OpenAI Just Released The GPT Store. Here's How To Use It And Make Money With Your GPT
Learn how to publish your GPT to the store and monetize it.
The app store for AI was just released!
A few months ago, OpenAI said we could monetize our GPTs on a marketplace they call the GPT Store. Well, yesterday they released the GPT Store to ChatGPT Plus users and now you can publish your GPT to the GPT Store and make money with it.
Here’s how.
First look at the GPT Store
If you’re a ChatGPT Plus, Team, or Enterprise user, you can explore the GPT store by opening the sidebar and clicking “Explore GPTs.”
Here’s how it looks.
You can search any GPT as long as they’re public. Different GPTs can have the same name but you can distinguish them by looking at the name of the builder.
Let’s see how many “ScrapeGPT” are in the store.
As you can see there are three, but the one I created for a previous tutorial is the first (I think the comment bubble on the right means how many conversations have been started with a GPT).
In case you don’t have a specific GPT in mind, you can explore the top pick for categories such as writing, productivity, programming, education, and more.
Trying any of them is as simple as clicking on the GPT and then following the instructions written by the builder.
How to make money in the GPT store
To make money in the GPT store, you need to have a GPT. Creating a GPT is very simple and there’s no code required (you can check my tutorial here).
Then you need to follow these two requirements.
1. Make sure your GPT is saved for everyone.
2. Verify your Builder Profile. To do so, go to setting, builder profile, and either enable your name or a website.
Once the two requirements are met, you should see your GPT in the store
In case you have a website, I highly recommend you verify your website with OpenAI so you can get some traffic in case your GPT gets users and avoid showing your name to the public (this name is taken from your billing information). Here are the steps you need to follow to verify your website.
Good, now your GPT is in the store … but how would your GPT make money?
OpenAI hasn’t given much detail on how the GPT builder revenue program works. They just said builders will be paid based on user engagement with their GPTs. This means that the more people use your GPT, the more money you make.
Remember the bubble that every GPT has?
Probably that’s a metric they’ll use to see user engagement with a GPT.
With almost 1k bubbles, I think my GPT isn’t doing that bad. That said, cloning a GPT is as simple as examining its behavior and creating a new GPT with the observations you made. I think anyone could even extract the files of a GPT (aka knowledge) if the creator enabled the code interpreter on their GPT!!
Let’s see how to make your GPT stand out and learn some things you could do to prevent others from cloning your GPT.
How to stand out on the GPT Store
The low barrier to entry for making GPTs will make earning money on the GPT store difficult. Not everyone will make tons of money off their GPT, but I think those with more chances of success will:
Use custom actions: This is a feature that allows your GPT to connect to an API. Connecting to APIs gives your GPT new functionalities that others won’t be able to replicate unless they have access to the API (here you can see my tutorial on how to add custom action to your GPT)
Use knowledge: Knowledge is a feature that allows you to add files to your GPT. Adding exclusive information could enrich your GPT and help it stand out from the pack. Just remember that files can be downloaded when the code interpreter is enabled.
Unless your GPT has one of these features, it’ll be very hard to earn a good sum of money in the GPT Store. Making money on this store will be tough, but even if you don’t make tons of money, you can benefit from the traffic it gets by verifying your domain and adding it to your GPT.
Must I be ChatGPT plus user before I can create my own GPT?